Sunday worship services at 8AM & 10:30AM
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Welcome to Trinity English Lutheran Church
We believe we are called to live these things we know to be true about God in the world around us.​ We believe we are God's people and Jesus' hands and feet in the world. We believe Jesus meant it when he taught us to pray "on earth as it is in heaven." We accept everyone and work to support each individual to live their fullest life possible.
In plain language, we believe God loves and welcomes all ages, viewpoints, genders, sexual identities and expressions, abilities, and ethnicities.
We welcome all who want to be a part of the community. We believe that the way to create heaven on earth is to work intentionally toward creating a world where everyone has safety, dignity, meaningful work, love, and enough to eat. We believe that God loves every person, period.
We believe that the Ten Commandments form a basis for how we try to live with other people and the Lord’s Prayer points us to how to live in the world. We practice the Sacraments Jesus taught us, namely Baptism, where we become part of God’s family and part of the church universal, and Holy Communion, where we celebrate Jesus’s continued presence among us. The Bible in both parts tells us about God’s relationship with humanity and an awful lot about what it means to be human.
We had a very eventful 2024; here's to an exciting and blessed 2025!
Cultivating Community
450 W. Washington Blvd. | Fort Wayne, IN | 46802
Our location allows us to be active members of the downtown community. We believe that, as a church, we should work toward getting to know our neighbors and what challenges they face so that we can walk alongside them in mutually supportive ways. Learn more about our community partners, free community dinners, and connection to community resources.
Open Doors
Looking for a space to gather your thoughts, soak in the peace, or maybe say a prayer? Trinity's Wayne Street sanctuary doors are open 11 AM - 1 PM every Wednesday and Thursday.
Stop in--you're welcome here.