Trinity English's 100th Birthday
Our current church building, which includes the Nave, Wagenhals Hall, and the upstairs office areas, was built in 1925 by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue under the pastoral care of Dr. Paul Krauss. For 100 years, we have worshipped in the building, fostering community and a love of Christ that has affected generations within our congregation.
Throughout 2025, we will be highlighting and focusing on some key moments, members, events, etc. as we celebrate our centennial. Make sure to check this page frequently to keep up with the memories!

Women's History Month
March marks Women's History Month, and women have always been an important part of our church. From needlework to Sunday School to pastors to the Women's Union Guild, they have always had a hand in the workings of the congregation. In the month of March, we're highlighting their influence as well as sharing some recipes that were included in the Trinity Fare Cookbook. This cookbook was created and sold in the late 1950's by The Women's Union of Trinity to help realize the dream of a new building where their childrens' hunger for spiritual food would be tempted and satisfied.
Women's Union Guild
Women have played an integral part in the ministry of Trinity English since our earliest days. Despite rarely being in the forefront in the beginning, women gained strength and momentum within the congregation as the decades continued, changing and evolving to best serve the community. Looking back, it offers a fascinating study through which we can learn how our women shaped and formed their endeavors to best serve and influence parish life through the present.
Formed in 1859, the original Sewing Circle transformed itself into the 1867 Mite Society to widen its purpose to include fund raising to help liquidate the church building debt. The Dorcas Society emerged in 1882 to include more fund raising activities. In 1925, this group was able to celebrate their assistance in the building of a new kitchen / dining hall. They inaugurated the newly designed space with a congregational dinner provided at a cost of 75¢ per person. Later, the Dorcas Society gifted Dr. Kraus $100 for the purpose of purchasing a new car. Trinity Circle provided Dr. Wagenhals' family with $584.10 to purchase a suitable marker for his gravesite in Lindenwood Cemetery that can still be visited today.
After 1925, the Altar Guild was added to specifically care for the chancel, altar paraments, and Holy Communion equipment. Due to increased parish interest, a Get Acquainted Circle and Women's Missionary Society were also established. Later, a Deaconess Society was formed to deliver baskets to the poor at Christmas and Easter, send cards, and visit the ill in the name of the church. By 1927, The Women's Union divided into five geographical sections and became a much larger Women's Guild composed of 16 Circles developed for the purpose of inspirational and religious programs, along with social activities open to all women of Trinity English.
From these beginnings, our parish today celebrates WELCA (Women of the ELCA) comprised of groups of women serving local, national, and international charities in the form of goods, services, and monetary gifts. Trinity English Circles continue to be a blessing to many, and an opportunity for women to demonstrate their servants' hearts and commitment to those in need.
Recipe #1
Mrs. Paul H. Krauss (wife of Dr. Paul H. Krauss)
Angel Pie
To make shell:
4 egg whites beaten stiff with 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar
Beat in 1 cup of granulated sugar
A little salt
Bake in a buttered tin about 40 minutes at 350°F.
Cook in double boiler
4 egg yolks, beaten
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon of flour
Beat while cooking.
When cold, add 1/2 pint of whipped cream.
Put in meringue shell.
Refrigerate until ready to serve.


¹ November 1955
Jeanette Weiss & Bertha Scherer
² date unknown
Pokagon Park | Jeanette Weiss, Hilda Meieller, & Grace Heischy (Mrs. Clarence)
³ December 20, 2000
"Simply Divine" cookbook newspaper clipping