Bible Studies

The Monday Morning Bible study is studying the Attributes of God.
This is a highly interactive group of men and women, about 15 strong! We meet in the Seeds of Faith Conference Room at Trinity from 10 - 11:30AM.
We have room for additional members, but ask you contact either Sally Lawson at 442-3677 or Cindy Goshert at 672-3737 to make sure we have enough materials.
From January 13 - March 3, Monday Morning Bible Study will be studying Anne Graham Lotz's 8 week study: Jesus In Me: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion. Cost of the study guide is $14.
Bible Study is available for anyone who might like to join in the group.
Meet from 10AM - 11:30AM on Monday in the Seeds of Faith second floor classroom.
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Interested in learning more about the Gospel of Luke?
Starting Jan 7, join Pastor Lee and others at 7PM via Zoom every Tuesday, through February.
If you prefer an in-person setting, we will also meet on Thursdays at the church in Room 111 from noon to 1PM. This lesson will be the same as Tuesdays, and is just meant as an option for those who prefer in-person.
Even if you can't make them all, we'd love to see you there!
To join the Tuesday Zoom, click here!
Meeting ID: 810 0947 6910

Bible Study with Pastor Erdos​
Do you have a Bible at home? Maybe you've looked at it and thought I should probably read that… Have you caught yourself thinking, I’m going to read the Bible this year? Maybe you’ve tried to read the Bible, maybe you’ve made a new year’s resolution that you’re going to read the Bible this year… and you start and … it’s really confusing, or it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
If you’ve thought this, you’re not alone. A lot of people who try to read the Bible find it confusing or a little strange or even a little boring. The Bible can be hard to understand, and it’s not necessarily put together in a way that makes it easy to understand. But there are some big ideas that run through the whole thing, from Genesis to Revelation, and when you know some of these things as you begin to read, it gets a lot easier and almost becomes something of a treasure hunt!
If you would like to try to read the Bible – the whole thing or maybe just a bit – we have something that might help. A friend, Sam Wells, has written a little book: The Heart of it All: The Bible’s Big Picture. It’s a little guide [100 pages] that helps you see the “big picture” of what the Bible – and God – is all about. It has a guide that will take you through a six-week journey through the big idea of the Bible, and if you’re working through the little book and get stuck, Pastor Lee and I will be here to help you out! If you’d like to give it a try, we have some copies of the book here at the Church. They’re $12 at Amazon, but we’ll give you one for $5. If you have any questions, let me know.
Pastor Erdos