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Writer's pictureRebecca Karcher

Acts of Mercy: Shelter the Homeless

Thank you to everyone who donated clothes to Wellspring for the Acts of Mercy: Clothe the Naked collection. Our Wellspring clothing donation bin was overflowing more than once with all your donations. We are so thankful for the congregations care to each weeks Act of Mercy focus.

This Sunday wraps up the collection of water bottles for Give Drink to the Thirsty, which we have already received quite a few large packs of bottled water!

This week’s Act of Mercy is Shelter the Homeless. Since most of us are unable to offer a meaningful solution to someone’s condition of being unhoused, we are trying to help precariously housed families with students in FWCS. The homeless coordinator there says her office will help more than 1,200 students this year. An ongoing need for these students is new socks and underwear. We’ll collect all sizes and styles of socks and underwear for K-12th graders through Sunday, March 17.

Dear God, Thank you for helping me to remember that there is always something I can do to help lighten the burden of others. Even when I can't do everything, please remind me that I can do something. Amen.

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