Thank you to everyone who so generously supports the social ministry efforts of Trinity. This week we invite you to consider participating, if you haven’t already, in the many service and community engagement opportunities that Trinity has to offer. We believe in sharing the God’s love with our neighbors and each other. There are plenty of short-term options to choose from.
Community Dinner happens on Thursday evenings. Many find volunteering fulfilling and an opportunity. The volunteer tasks range from cooking, serving dinner, and helping with clean-up.
Street Outreach happens on Wednesdays, from 11am – 1pm, as Trinity hosts local nonprofits and giving them a forum for serving neighbors. Lunch is served at this time to those who come for services.
Quilting is a cherished tradition at many churches and Trinity is no exception. Quilts created at Trinity are shared with Lutheran World Relief.
Do you like to knit or crochet? Help create lovely prayer shawls for those going through a hard time and needing the comfort of being wrapped in love.
Delivering Altar Flower is a great way to let someone know they are remembered and prayed for by all of us at Trinity.